My Plan for 1 Million Subscribers + Giveaway

Podobni Video posnetki:
Les pères tranquilles (Escalade) - Calamès
Grande voie des pères tranquilles au Calames (4b - 5b - 5c - 4c - 4a - 5b - 5a)...
Ski à Piau Engaly (06.04.2022)
descente de la Bourio à Sarrancolin | Col de Beyrède
Velo au signal du Bassia (col de beyrède)
Ski à Piau (15.03.2022)
sortie en station avec le sable du Sahara....
My book →

My book in Norwegian →

We're giving away 10 pair of Drago Scarpa ( signature embroidered) and 10 Rungne Chalk Bags (signature embroidered) to in total 20 winners. If you already pre ordered the book you're in the raffle. If you pre order before November 1st you're also in the raffle.Thank you for all your support, and good luck!