Musala (Snježni uspon)

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Energy Harness | CAMP | OutDoor 2019
An entry level harness with a whole lot of options: fixed legs, adjustable legs,...
Moon Helmet | Spotlight: Climbing Technology
Climbing Technology’s Moon Helmet is a simple, easily washable and ideal helmet ...
Locking Carabiners | Spotlight: CAMP
Marco and Fran from CAMP run us through their Locking Carabiner range and the ne...
Borea Helmet | Petzl | OutDoor 2019
The latest in Petsl’s women’s line of helmets, with a hybrid construction of ABS...
Fly Harness | Petzl | OutDoor 2019
How do you make a harness any lighter than they currently are? Answer: do this!!...
Musala (2925 m), najviši je vrh u Bugarskoj i na Balkanu, na planini RILA (ujedno istoimeni nacionalni park), nalazi se u jugozapadnom dijelu Bugarske a udaljena je oko 80 km od Sofije. Ime potiče od Musa Allaha (planina Allaha) iz doba dok je Bugarska bila pod turskom vlasti.