MTB - Whistler Bike Park, Whistler, BC - Crank It Up

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Tuc de Bassiero (hasta 2.650 m.)
Track en wikiloc:
Linares de Mora-Cedrillas-Linares de Mora - Sierra de Gúdar
Track en wikiloc: en wiki...
Linares de Mora-Fuente del Tajo - Sierra de Gúdar
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Picu Urriellu (Naranjo de Bulnes) 2.519 m. por cara sur, vía directa Martínez
Track en wikiloc:
The Ontario boys conquer the best bike park in the world! Alastair takes me down the top half and Thomas the second. Thomas sends it (a bit) too deep halfway down and has a nice spill; almost ran over him. No bears on this lap though...