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Ski Touring Across the Swiss Alps | France to Austria
Last March I set out on a human-powered traverse of the entire Swiss Alps. Focus...
This is Ski Touring
Norrøna takes you on one last journey before the ski season for 2019 starts to c...
Easy Kick Turn Technique for Ski Touring
Learn how to make a good kick turn to make your ski touring more enjoyable! This...
Valle Varaita | Piano di Traversagn, quota 2334 m
Breve ma molto suggestiva passeggiata con le ciaspole in questa conca da cui par...
Spartiacque Varaita/Po. Vista dalla vetta | Testa di Garitta Nuova 2385 m
La ciaspolata di oggi mi ha portato in questa cima molto ambita dagli sciatori p...
I climbed Mt.Usborne on Friday-
January 01, 2021.I left Stanley at
0800 by TAXI(stanley cab) and i arrive
in the jump off area around 09am. We Take
the road to Mount Pleasant Airport
(mpa) Crossing of Darwin road and turn