Mrzli vrh

Podobni Video posnetki:
England - Hiking UK - UK - Hiking in London - Capital Ring Etapa 4
IntroductionThis shorter section is a 'rollercoaster' among the ridges and valle...
Travel Photography - Olvera, Sierra de Cadiz in Spain
Ruta pueblos blancosJust 130 kilometers from Cádiz capital we find Olvera, a tow...
England - Hiking UK - Loughton to Epping walk
The ancient woodland of Epping Forest within Zone 6Length: 13.4km (8.4miles)Maps...
Saturday Walk - England - Hiking UK - Easy Cliff walk White Cliffs of Dover
Easy cliff walk following the Saxon Shore Way along the 'White Cliffs of Dover' ...
England - Hiking UK - Drone - Top 10 walks in South East England - Box Hill Circular walk
A fairly strenuous walk in a beautiful part of the North Downs. Main Walk: 16¼ k...
Mrzli vrh
Izpostavljeni in travnati vrh, severno nad dolino sinje Soče je znan po hudih bitkah soške fronte s prve svetovne vojne. Še vedno je opaziti ostanke kavern, ter drobce eksplozivnih teles po razritih pobočjih, te prve bojne črte iz daljne preteklosti … …