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Pordoi Training Jump Corvid2 Wingsuit
9.8.2022Exit Glide Flare Split-S Glide Flare Pull. Nice Training Jump...
Titlis Wingsuit Flight
Finally we made it up to Titlis! Has been on the list for quite some time now. I...
Flying Hans with Yoshi in Corvid-2
Richtig guad!!!...
Wingsuit 2-Way High La Mousse | Corvid-2
with Yoshi, 25.7.2022 afternoon...
Piz Cunturines 2 Wingsuit Flight
14.8.2022Second hike, second jump with Rich next to me!Conditions were way bette...
Domenica 18 febbraio 2018.
Ciaspolata al Monte Rite organizzata dalla Sezione di Este del Club Alpino Italiano.