Monte Pisimoni

Podobni Video posnetki:
finally practical (and funny) handbook - Via Ferrata tutorial
This short video is the presentation of my 'Via Ferrata handbook' a practical ma...
Italy | Bozen: Sonntagsspaziergang | Rock climbing near Bolzano
Sonntagsspaziergang is a new funny rock climbing route near Bolzano/Bozen in the...
Paganella | Via Ferrata Dolomites: Via Ferrata delle Aquile
The Via Ferrata delle Aquile at the Paganella peak (near Trento) is one rare 'mo...
Julian Alps | Margart | Via Ferrata Dolomites: Via Ferrata Slovena
The Via Ferrata on the Slovenian side is the most famous route to ascend the Man...
Normal Weg | regular route | Pflerscher Tribulaun via normale
The regular route of the Pflerscher Tribulaun is sure the most difficult of the ...
Monte Pisimoni
Počimunih po naše, severno nad dolino Bela in široko strugo reke Bela, ter južno ob gori Monte Crostis in težje dostopnega Zuc dal Bor ... ...