Meet Zero Impact Adventures

Podobni Video posnetki:
Il Monte Stivo è una montagna delle Prealpi Gardesane alta metri 2054 situata n...
Monte Pagano Alta Val Camonica
Da Monno...
Cima Auccia ciaspolata nei dintorni del Maniva
Prima ciaspolata dei Sempreverdi su neve intatta....
Monte Spino da Cecino
Il SALVE REGINA cantato Roncisvalle
'We started ZIA to show that travel and climate-damage do not go hand in hand. The initial concept was to demonstrate by example, that we could still travel the world and appreciate new cultures, whilst still remaining environmentally responsible and without leaving behind a huge carbon footprint. We truly believe that through harbouring our adventurous spirit and love for the outdoors we can be part of big social change.'