Male toad mating frenzy begins before females arrive

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Six male American Toads arrive at a tiny pond and begin posturing, singing, pushing, shoving and jumping on each other in a hormone induced frenzy to attract and find a female to mate with. You can learn what a toad sounds like in this video. Different frogs and toads have different sounds and mating calls. Typically, males toads (Anaxyrus americanus) will arrive at ponds before the females and begin their mating calls. This pond was no exception. I filmed these six male toads manuevering for position and calling to attract females. The sound of a toad is a long trill that may last for up to thirty seconds. These mating calls can be very loud and when they call together it is a deafening chorus. Like other frogs and toads, only the male American Toad makes the call. The toad call attracts female toads to the pond. The sound is made when the toad draws air into their lungs, closes their mouth and nostrils, and forces air into an expandable pouch under its chin. This pouch will swell-up like a balloon. The toad slowly releases this air and it creates the characteristic trill as released air vibrates vocal chords. The sound can carry a very long distance. Male toads will jumb at any movement in the water, in hopes it maybe a female. They will often grab another male frog. The unwilling reciepient male will make a release call that sound like a clucking sound, singaling to the other male that he is not a female. The male toads seem in constant motion, changing places, rough-housing with other males, mistaking other males for females and competing in calls. Females will arrive in about 5 days and I will do a part 2 episode for their arrival. My channel is about all things nature. From fungi to insects, plants to animals, millipedes and centipedes and more I cover all nature/biology topics with exciting video, a sense of humor and strong science content and fascinating facts for every organism I feature. If you love natuer, biology and environmental science you will enjoy learning on my channel.