Loški grad

Podobni Video posnetki:
HOW TO ice climbing
Belay technique for ice climbing is very similar to rock climbing. The biggest d...
Clare Gallagher on the UTMB | Embrace the Night
Petzl Team member Clare Gallagher gives you many reasons to try the unique exper...
EP 5 - Perspective: Unfinished Business
The Perspective series is a collection of short films following Petzl Team membe...
EP 4 - Perspective: Dave Graham
American Petzl athletes are out in Catalonia for the winter and spring climbing ...
My light, my night run | BINDI
Introducing BINDI, an ultra-light and rechargeable headlamp that fits in the pal...
Loški grad
Društvo upokojencev Bohinjska Bistrica organizira izlet v Škofjo Loko na Škofje (Loški grad), ki je bil v listinah prvič omenjen leta 1215, pomembnejšo vlogo pa je prevzel po letu 1511, ko je potres porušil Zgornji stolp na Kranclju (slednji je bil do tedaj sedež loškega gospostva) ... https://www.gore-ljudje.si/Objavljalci/author/janez-pikon ...