Podobni Video posnetki:
Rope team procedure: Partner check, correct clipping & belay stations – Tutorial (9/43)
From important knots, to belaying, to rappelling at the end of the tour... learn...
Trailer - SAFETY ACADEMY Digital training platform for alpine climbers
Interactive e-learning about alpine climbing: 4 chapters ✓ 32 video tutorials ✓ ...
Thunderstorms in the mountains: How to recognize them & what to do – Tutorial (2/43)
How to I recognize a thunderstorm in the mountains, and what do I do when the we...
Express pulley: Rescue techniques for alpine climbing – Tutorial (42/43)
If the injured person is on the rock, an express pulley can be used as a rescue ...
Anchors: Hammering in normal piton – Tutorial (23/43)
How do I hammer in pitons correctly so that they function as a secure anchor? Le...
objective: NE couloir of Corne de Loriaz
skier buddies: Jacob Wester, Andre Dalkarl
length: 15km
verticals up: 1410m
music: RAW
skis: Elan Ripstick 106/181cm