Line Twist

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Winter is boring, so I watch some video of the past season;) This was a funny one. Pordoi, I think 3rd jump of the day and the weather was not ideal for jumping. Rainclouds and gusty winds. It was clear when we jumped, but bumpy in the air. Complacently not expecting it at all, I can´t remember anything, but it looks like I got pretty unstable after the pull and initiated the twist with my left shoulder. Happens. Then I was super slow with untwisting - more than 30 sec from pull to canopy control! Luckily I was another 15s above the ground. Not a lot of landings to choose. Luckily again, I drifted above the ski-slope and not above the forest or road or hous or lake. So, bottom line. What to learn? Don´t panic. You can always rely on luck, when you have to ;)