Letný Topoľčiansky hrad

Podobni Video posnetki:
How to do 'The FIFTY' | McGown Peak, ID | Line 25/50 | The FIFTY
Celebrating the halfway mark of the project (in number only), this special episo...
The Project and How to Help in the Time of Pandemic | Bonus | The FIFTY
The world has suddenly changed. For most of us, it has stopped completely. In th...
2019 Ford Ranger Tour | The FIFTY Rig | Bonus | The FIFTY
*Links to Products Described in Video Below.The FIFTY involves a lot of driving ...
'Pucker Factor 100' | Mt. Shuksan, WA | Line 24/50 | The FIFTY
Standing watch above the Mt. Baker Ski Area in Washington state is Mt. Shuksan, ...
The Eastern King of Backcountry Skiing | Mt. Washington, NH | Line 22 & 23/50 | The FIFTY
On this week's episode, the crew jets off to the birthplace of backcountry skiin...
Tento kráľovský hrad z 13. storočia sa stal strediskom topoľčianskeho hradného panstva. V 15. storočí ho obsadili husiti, v čase tureckých vpádov plnil dôležitú obrannú funkciu. Začiatkom 18. storočia ho počas Rákócziho povstania silne poškodili cisárske vojská. Hoci ho neskôr opravili, postupne začal pustnúť.