Lepote Slovenije (slapovi, reke, jezera)

Podobni Video posnetki:
Giger 2
Nice jump with Edi who went first. I was a bit low on opening... Bad habit :/ (l...
Col Rosa | Jump and Fly
Dan Darby Squirrel Aura 5
'Da Lech' Wingsuit Flight
Last weekend I was jumping with my friend Dan. We did 8 jumps in 2 days... I was...
straight & steep line | Wingsuit Flight
Nice flight through this gully with Dan, 2.7.2022. Watch his footage here:https:...
Kompilacija najlepših posnetkov, ki sem jih v preteklem letu ujel v objektive mojih kamer. Ob gledanju vseh teh lepot sem neznansko vesel in hvaležen, da imamo takšne lepote praktično na našem pragu...