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Spartiacque Grana/Maira. Vista dalla vetta | Monte Tibert 2648 m
Questa famosa vetta estremamente panoramica rappresenta la cima più alta della V...
Ski Touring Basics with Henrik Windstedt and Kajsa Larsson
Ski Touring Basics with Henrik Windstedt and Kajsa Larsson. What to pack, how to...
DYNAFIT - Tutorial - Long version - How to Ski Tour
Schorsch Nickaes, DYNAFIT Product Director and Mountain Guide shows how to start...
Šulko | Skialp ski touring Nizke Tatry | Donovaly | Kráľova hoľa | Zimný prechod Nízkych Tatier
Video je vyberom z reportaze Garaz.tv:https://youtu.be/cO9Dn-zlX9o...
A Time For Everything, and the adventures of Chris Booth | 'I realized the way to live life'
A ski biopic set on the north face of Store Jægervasstinden in Lyngen Norway. Pr...
Music: Free Driving
Site: https://icons8.com/music/