Le Lagune) | Perù (Parte I

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Dan Varian said 'If I could only have one shoe for bouldering, it would be the C...
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We have teamed up with Plas y Brenin, the National Mountain Sports Centre, to co...
Lead Belaying
We have teamed up with Plas y Brenin, the National Mountain Sports Centre, to co...
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We have teamed up with Plas y Brenin, the National Mountain Sports Centre, to co...
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We have teamed up with Plas-Y-Brenin to find out the difference between a Prussi...
#rockthemountain #perù #ande #cordilierabianca #expedition #exploration

Primi 2 giorni del nostro viaggio in Perù. In questo video sintetizziamo l' arrivo e 2 escursioni fai da te in 2 Lagune, prima della scalata alle montagne vere.