Lattice Training - Rhos and Tom - Hot Topics

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Arrampicare Valgoglio Lago Nero
Escursione C.A.I. LumezzaneLa falesia Lago Nero si trova a Valgoglio, in uno stu...
Monte Alben 22/05/2022
Il monte Alben, alto 2019 m s.l.m., è una montagna delle Prealpi Orobie, situata...
Rifugio Rosalba
Il rifugio Rosalba è ubicato a 1730 Mt. presso il Colle del Pertusio sulla crest...
Anello Monte Bestone
Sentiero delle Farfalle e M. Bestone da Limone sul Garda....
Un’escursione articolata, panoramica a cavallo tra la Val Brembana e la Val Seri...
Tom and Rhos sit down to discuss their opinions and experience on some of the modern day ‘hot topics’ in climbing. Is your climbing negatively impacted by too much indoor climbing? How to complete a 'deload week'? Whose opinions should you be listening to? Tom and Rhos have very different backgrounds in climbing and their experiences are quite different, despite both being in the elite climbing category - this episode just goes to show there's more than one way to be a pro.