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Ring necked Snake (Diadophis Punctatus)
As spring unfolds snakes are becoming active. Is this one Venomous? (poisonous v...
Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) Native versus Invasive Exotic species
First cataloged in North America in late 1800's, Garlic Mustard is one of few fo...
Hemiptera Corixidae - Water Boatman = Loudest Animal on the earth
The loudest animal on the earth (relative to its size) lives here in Virginia! I...
thermogenesis; pollination by carrion beetles and flies - Skunk Cabbage
What plant can melt snow and ice by making its own heat?What plant is pollinated...
Spring Salamanders (Gyrinophilus porphyriticus) and Generalist vs Specialist Species
Learn about Specialist and Generalist Species! Spring Salamanders (Gyrinophilus ...