Las 7 maravillas de Junín | Tina de Piedra

Podobni Video posnetki:
Growing Up Here is Advantage
Spontaneous laps where you do more laughing than not are some of the best. Glad ...
Slow is Smooth, Smooth is
There's nothing like casually racing 110 of your friends after work on your loca...
New Bikes Fit Here
Fast and open or tight and techy, which trail would you rather ride? It's pretty...
Had Ridden This Section Before
Oh baby this one's a treat. The perfect blend of scary, beautiful fun. Can't wai...
Racing Through
Surprise surprise, it hasn't stopped raining. But that won't stop Team IMBY (@dd...
La Catarata Tina de Piedra o Imperitaja, como la llaman, está ubicada en Satipo, departamento de Junín. Cuenta con una altura de 16 metros y sus aguas caen sobre una poza de piedra, labrada por la presión del agua, en donde se produce una fuerte turbulencia.