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| Fordham Canyon, Bungonia, NSW, Australia A day trip down Fordham Canyon at Bungonia, NSW. The approach was from the west ... |
| Thunderstorm Canyon (& Closet Canyon), Wollemi, NSW, Australia A day trip on the Newnes plateau down Thunderstorm canyon, approaching from the ... |
| Windows Canyon, Newnes Plateau, NSW, Australia A Sydney Bushwalkers day trip down Windows canyon the Newnes Plateau in the Gard... |
| Crooked Crevice Canyon (Penrose Gully), NSW, Australia A Sydney Bushwalkers day trip down Crooked Crevice on the Newnes plateau in NSW.... |
| Dione Dell, Kanangra, NSW An abseiling day trip down Dione Dell 'canyon' in Kanangra national park in the ... |
Opis: 17/8/19 Anello Pescegallo - Diga di Trona - Lago Zancone - Bocca di Trona - Rifugio Benigni - Cima Piazzotti - Passo Salmurano-Pescegallo, trekking, laghi, montagna, droni, dji, mavicpro, drone, sentieri, escursioni, Valbrembana, val seriana, valgerola, valtellina, Valmalenco, valsassina, orobie, rifugio, bivacco, passeggiate, stambecchi, camosci, escursioni