La prima neve programmata in AltaBadia

Podobni Video posnetki:
Haïti | Massif de la Selle | Morne d'enfer
De Furcy à Ti-Mouillage en passant par Morne d'Enfer, l'extrémité Ouest de la ch...
Pic La Selle, Haiti's highpoint map and guide
This is a video generously recorded by Shea Alexander, a missionary who lived in...
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Our Hike in the mountains of the Parc Macaya was one on the most uplifting exper...
Rudoka (2658m) | 51 Kosovo
The highest point in Kosovo.
RUDOKA 2658m
Camp.n hıke...
#dolomitisuperski #holimites #sci

Le temperature sono scese e gli impianti di neve programmata sono ora in funzione!