la cipollara mt.2125 | MONTI DELLA LAGA

Podobni Video posnetki:
Climbing Daily Ep.2047 - Born That Way: Andrew Kings' Mission For Change
Explore the world...get the gear, Black Diamond on the EpicTV Shop: https://bit....
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Is Weight Training For Climbing A Thing
This World Champion Uses Weight Training For Climbing
WANT THE VIBRAM EXPERIENCE? Check out the Rubber at the EpicTV Shop: https://bit...
3 Days Wild Camping in Rain - Bad Weather Forces Plan B!
3 days getting back to the car and wild camping on mountains along the way. The ...
da capricchia al sacro cuore,si segue il sentiero per il gorzano ,sino allo stazzo gorzano,alla quota 2041 si seguono tracce di sentiero compiendo una diagonale sino allo stazzo cipollara e poco dopo si traversa il fosso dell ortanza,altra diagonalei in salita sino alla cipollara.