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Kelly Halpin - Welcome To The Team
Kelly Halpin grew up in Jackson, Wyoming, with the Tetons and National Forest as...
Light in the Darkness - Black Diamond Presents
Black Diamond Athlete Antte Lauhamma's father once told him about a moon in the ...
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There is incredible healing power in the outdoors, especially for members of the...
Parkin Costain in Cooke City - Get Up To Get Down
With a 5 a.m. start to the day, Parkin and his crew got after it early to explor...
Aaron Mulkey - Welcome To The Team
It's a safe gamble that the word 'pioneer' will find its way into any descriptio...
Uno sci che si sgancia, il terreno ghiacciato in pendenza, Evy che si accascia per cercare di fermarmi ed io che anzichè perdere velocità, urto lei con troppa violenza e carambolo nel canale a fianco .