Kostrín Vres - Pohorie Tribeč

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The Gallery Doria Pamphilj ➔ The best of art
The Palace and the Gallery. Built on the original nucleus of the residence of ca...
The Vatican’s Museum ➔ Greek and Roman Antiquities
When the works confiscated by Napoleon were returned from France a re-ordering o...
The Vatican’s museum ➔ Raphael rooms
The four Raphael Rooms (Italian: Stanze di Raffaello) form a suite of reception ...
Vatican city | Easy Entry to Vatican’s museum
The Vatican Museums must increasingly be a place of beauty and welcome. They mus...
The Vatican’s Museum ➔ Raphael tapestry and paintings
Acts of the Apostles tapestries. Tapestry series in the Vatican collection desig...
Kostrín a Vres su dva málo známe vrcholy na úplnom severe pohoria Tribeč nad obcou Klátova Nová Ves. Nevedie sem žiadny oficiálny značený turistický chodik, len miestne značenie z obce na vrch Kostrín a následne trasa po hrebeni je už úplne bez značenia, avšak ľahko dostupá vyšlapanými chodníčkami.