Kopački rit

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With a special permit and accompanied by a ranger, we kayaked through Kopački rit. Thank you Mislav Matišić from Visit Slavonija Baranja for arranging all this, and Kopački Rit Park for letting us in. The landscape is unreal, one of those places you don’t believe are on this continent. I was especially impressed by the wooden promenades, traditional cottages, and the road that leads through the park, and it would be perfect for a bike ride. Unfortunately, we didn’t hit the highest water so we couldn’t paddle further through the field, but that’s a good excuse for us to come again. Mishka was so thrilled that at one point she got out of the cockpit and climbed into the narrow bow of the kayak where she could no longer turn so I had to let her ashore to get back in place. There were mosquitoes, especially in the morning but they were not very annoying, I used repellent and it worked well.