Konj 1803m nmv, 09/01/2021

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Shepherd's Song
Growing up, Jenya saw the world around her changing and after the death of both ...
Trailer | Shepherd's Song
Growing up, Jenya saw the world around her changing and after the death of both ...
The Traveler Comes Home
Marie-Louise Nkashama shares a vibrant and intimate journey back to the Democrat...
Camping with Jim Zellers and Alex Honnold
Camping is just about the best way to truly experience somewhere wild. Team athl...
Hiking with Jim Zellers and Alex Honnold
Hiking doesn’t have to be intimidating, it’s really just a fancy name for “walki...
Konj 1803m nmv, 09/01/2021

Napovedano lepo vreme, je bilo potrebno izkoristiti in ne na VP, saj bo sigurno gneča. Tako zjutraj ob 7:00 že pri spodnji postaji žičnice in pot pod noge, proti planini Dol, od tu pa levo smer Konja.