Katruška - Hotel Poľana - Vodopád Bystré - Poľana

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tips & tricks for cheap backpacking on the AT - Thru Hiking on BUDGET
Thru hiking is a dream for many. With a little planning and a reasonable budget ...
Don’t Stay in SHELTERS on the Appalachian Trail
There are nearly 260 shelters on the Appalachian Trail. A simple building that p...
You Thru Hike the Mountains-To-Sea Trail - POV
Sights and sounds from the Mountains-To-Sea Trail. The Mountains-to-sea Trail is...
Staying at the TWELVE TRIBES Hostel - Appalachian Trail Cult
The Twelve Tribes are an emerging spiritual nation made up of 12 self-governing ...
Cult on the Appalachian Trail - The Twelve Tribes & Their Obsession with THRU HIKERS
According to the Twelve Tribes they are an emerging spiritual nation made up of ...
Turistický okruh na Poľane. Pôjdeme okolo vodoápy Bystré, cez Priehybinu na najvyšší bod pohoria a vyhliadke Katruška. Nazrieme do hotela Poľana a povieme si niečo z jeho histórie.