Kanjon z 38m slapom v bližini Trsta

Podobni Video posnetki:
Petzl RopeTrip 2014 Sweden Rope access competition
The second edition of the Petzl RopeTrip took place from May 29-31, 2014, in Upp...
Petzl | Mechanical Prusik for arborists | ZIGZAG
The ZIGZAG mechanical Prusik allows the user to move around efficiently in a tre...
Petzl | Self-braking descender for rescue with anti-panic function | I'D
Self-braking descender for rescue, with anti-panic function and no gate, that al...
Mobile fall arrester for rope | ASAP LOCK | ASAP
The ASAP line of mobile fall arresters consists of 2 products:- The ASAP, offeri...
Petzl | Personal Escape System for firefighters | EXO
Developed with the FDNY in 2005, in response to the tragic events of 'Black Sund...
O Glinščici in njeni dolini sem prvikrat slišal pred nekaj leti, ko sta se starša udeležila pohoda prijateljstva od Bek do Botača, ker meje med Slovenijo in Italijo ne poznajo vse od leta 81.
Več o Glinščici pa sem izvedel nekaj tednov pred obiskom doline, ko je bil na RTVSLO 1 poseben dokumentarec namenjen tej dolini...