Kamniško sedlo Brana 2252m

Podobni Video posnetki:
Apparel for high alpine touring: merino underwear, softshell jacket, etc – Tutorial (2/18)
For high alpine touring, it’s best to apply the “onion” principle to your clothi...
Pulleys: Crevasse rescue with pulleys on glacier – Tutorial (15/18)
A small rope team can use a pulley system to rescue a companion who has fallen i...
Protective equipment high alpine touring: Bivy bag, first aid kit, etc. – Tutorial (3/18)
A headlamp, first aid kit and bivy bag are all part of the emergency equipment y...
Self-rescue from crevasse using Prusik & Garda hitch – Tutorial (17/18)
The Münchhausen technique can be used for self-rescue out of a crevasse. You use...
Treating anaphylactic shock on the mountain – Tutorial (41/43)
Anaphylactic shock, triggered by foodstuffs or insect bites or stings, manifests...
Po daljšem času spet v gore za turo pa izbral Brano 2252m na kateri sem bil že večkrat.Ko se znova porodi želja stopiti na njen vrh spakiraš in greš.Vremena si ne moremo izbirati tako slabo pa spet ni bilo.Vsakokrat drugače kot pravijo....vzpon na goro pa je vedno posebno doživetje.