Janvier/Février 2022 | Ski à l'Alpe du Grand Serre

Podobni Video posnetki:
Getting Redemption after Huge Crash
Coming back after a huge crash is never easy, but Alastair has his eyes set on r...
MTB - Cypress Mountain, West Vancouver, BC - Dirty Harry
A few weeks ago I didn't even know this trail existed, and now it's one of my fa...
An Interesting Surprise Around Every Corner
An impromptu lap of Sniper to Cheap Thrill gets weird...and exciting! Quite a hi...
This Trail Requires Serious Intestinal Fortitude
I remember walking down the huge rock roll at the end of this trail just two yea...
Taking Old-School KOMs on Modern Bike
Figured I would take advantage of the exceptionally dry weather we had recently ...
Suivez-nous sur les pistes de ski à l'Alpe du Grand Serre.
Depuis le haut de la station, on profite d'un panorama splendide sur les montagnes environnantes, avec en bonus une météo exceptionnelle, soleil et grand ciel bleu...