Jacob Wester Adventures 2 | LYNGEN TOP TO BOTTOM

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*WATCH IN 1440p*

In episode two of Jacob Wester Adventures, we set the time machine to a bluebird afternoon in the majestic Lyngen mountain range. In May, the sun barely sets and there's nearly unlimited time to realize fantastic challenges in these truly unique mountains. After a 5 kilometer approach, a 2 hour bootpack and a precarious walk along the top ridge, it's time to charge down the exposed 40-45° NW face of Sofiatinden, 1222 meters above the sea. This was one of my main objectives traveling to the Arctic circle, and it turned out better than expected. With variable conditions and very tired legs after several big days, staying in complete control down the 800 vertical meter couloir was not an easy task, but that's what life on the edge is all about!