Jacob Wester Adventures 10 | ODE TO THE STEEPS

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Via normale da Indren | 4167 mt | 4215 mt e Balmenhorn (Cristo delle Vette) | Piramide Vincent
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AO) | 2389 mt & Laghi da Glacier (Ollomont | 2590 mt, Punta Cornet | Bivacco Regondi-Gavazzi
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Variante parete Nord | da Porliod per la Fenêtre du Tzan ed il Bivacco Tzan | 3009 mt | Cima Bianca
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If you has asked the 20-year old me if I thought I would ever spend half a day climbing a steep mountain in crampons and with ice axes in my hands, only to billy-goat my way back down a chute barely a ski-length wide, without a single turn in powder snow, I would have thought you are crazy for even asking such a question. Leaving the terrain park for the backcountry, my only aim was to find the deepest snow with the least effort possible, and I didn't mind catching a ride with a helicopter or a snowmobile to get to it. Fast-forward a decade and suddenly I find myself in a harness with climbing gear attached, plotting out ways to connect hanging snow-fields on airy walls in the Mont Blanc massif. People often ask me what I find so alluring, what is the reasoning behind exposing myself to all these dangers, and what is the reward?