I Sirboni SA PENTUMA Neoneli Austis

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Lungless Black-bellied Salamanders - How to find, identify and learn about SALAMANDERS! Featuring
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What you should know - Chanterelle mushrooms compared to toxic look-alike Jack o' Lantern Mushrooms
I had just completed and episode on bio-luminescent Jack o' Lantern mushrooms an...
the red eft and warning coloration in nature - Eastern Newt's most toxic stage
The most toxic life stage of the eastern newt: the red eft is explained in this ...
Discover this bold bio-luminescent fungus and where you can find it - Jack o' Lantern Mushroom
Jack o' Lantern fungi Ompholatus illudens grows on decay oak logs and decaying r...
What now 2020? What is the real science behind this headline - Zombie Cicadas
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Dirupo, voragine, burrone, precipizio, voragine, luogo scosceso è il significato della parola sarda 'pentuma'.

Tra i vari nodi granitici che vengono a galla come scogli da un folto tappeto boscoso, uno si distingue in particolare per il suo aspetto a prima vista inespugnabile e particolarmente movimentato che non a caso si chiama Sa Pentuma, un nome, una garanzia.