I Sirboni Acquatici 3

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Cave on cliff in north Georgia-Atwood point talus cave
I think this is the Atwood talus point cave in North Georgia on pigeon mountain....
Massive 1800's Railroad Tunnel Exploration-TAG Line
This tunnel was crazy long and tall. It was about 25 feet tall was 1600 feet lon...
Fun Flight Over Scenic North Georgia In A Small Plane
My friend who is a pilot flew us from a small airport and followed the Chattahoo...
Nash Waterfall Cave Exploration Go Pro
Me and my bro hiked over a mile and a half to get to these 2 stunning caves; Nas...
BMX Bay Creek Skatepark Go Pro
This is Bay Creek Skatepark in georgia and is a super fun park with lots of obst...
Abbiamo sintetizzato in pichi minuti di video tutti gli attimi più belli divertenti, spettacolari e...schizzosi dei percorsi di canyoning in ambiente acquatico che abbiamo intrapreso nel 2018.
Le riprese sono state fatte nei canyon di Lodrino, Val Grande, iragna, S'Orcu, Su Devju, Bacu Sa Figu La Richiusa, Dardo e Pitrisconi . Ticino, (Svizzera), Corsica (Francia) e Sardegna