I Ran with the BEST ULTRAMARATHONER EVER — Scott Jurek

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If you'd have told a younger, asthmatic me that he'd go from struggling to run to running with the LEGENDARY SCOTT JUREK, he'd have been FLOORED! About eight years ago I discovered MOUNTAIN RUNNING and have started setting some really big mountain goals. I couldn't think of a better coach than ULTRAMARATHON LEGEND Scott Jurek to help me with my goal of running the famous WONDERLAND TRAIL around Mt. Rainier in the stunning MT. RAINIER NATIONAL PARK. This September, I'm going to run the 93-mile Wonderland Trail in 3 days so the REI film crew and I headed to Boulder, Colorado to learn as much as possible from Scott. He was kind enough to show me around his local running trails, and shared a TON of wisdom about how to TRAIN and PREPARE for longer MOUNTAIN RUNNING ADVENTURES.