I moved to Seattle

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Hike to Chilchbalm in Sefinen Valley (2019/08/11)
2019年8月11日、ミューレン村の近いセフィネン谷に行ってきた。谷の奥は「キルクバルム」と言い、滝、花、岩、蝶々の天国だ。On August 11, 2019...
2 day hike to Gauli Hut, Gauli Lake & Ürbach Waterfalls (2019/08/17-18)
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Hike from Grimselpass up to Sidelhorn (2019/7/21)
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Hike in Maderanertal (2019/07/05)
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I'm living in Seattle now and prepping and planning and maximizing my lab time with more break tests in 2022 than the last 5 years combined. I plan on being in the lab about 1 week a month and Bobby may even be able to break stuff when I'm not around. Being more prepped before testing, and narrating AFTER analyzing all the results will make the episodes twice as awesome in half the length.