Hudi prask Mrzla gora 2203m avgust 2016

Podobni Video posnetki:
Rab Equipment - Womens Trad Fest - Over the Edge
To celebrate five years of the Women’s Trad Festival, we commissioned ‘Over the ...
Sustainable Performance | Rab's Microlight Alpine Jacket
Years of experience go into the design, creation and realisation of all of our p...
Rab Equipment - New Season Highlight Teaser - Rab Autumn Winter 2020 Collection
The days are growing shorter, the nights longer, and the temperature cooler. Thi...
Designed for the Mountain Runner - Skyline Range - Men's - Rab Sonic Tees and Tank
Whether used as a fast-wicking first layer or a technical standalone mountain ru...
Rab Equipment - Mountain Runners Lightweight Jacket - GORE-TEX PACLITE - Rab Zenith Jacket
Why wait for the clouds to clear? The Zenith Jacket excels in poor conditions. P...
Po dobrih dveh letih me spet premami želja opravit turo skozi Hudi prask na Mrzlo goro.Tokrat začetek malo po svoje.Še preden pridem na Okrešelj že skrenem z poti v grapo ki se spušča k slapu Rinka.Jo prečim in v naslednjo grapo ki se spušča navzdol z Hudega praska.Po tej pa direktno navzgor do vstopa v Hudi prask.....