Podobni Video posnetki:
4. Nočný výstup na Inovec 18-19.7.2014
Nočný výstup Alpin Polar Trenčín a KST KROKO-VELO Tesáre na Inovec 18-19.7.2014....
ŠMARHAN 'Legenda o zbojníkovi' | Ochotnícke divadlo Tesáre
Hrad z 13. storočia, na ktorom rekonštrukciou vzniklo nádherné prírodné auditóri...
Poludňový grúň Stoh 28.6.2014 | Malá Fatra
Výstup KST Kroko-Velo Tesáre na vrch Poludňový grúň a Stoh v Malej Fatre 28.6.20...
Hrad Tematín 8.6.2014
Cyklo akcia KST Kroko-Velo Tesáre 8.6.2014 (46 km) .Hrad Tematín bol vybudovaný ...
Prašivá, Veľká Chochuľa 31.5.2014 | Nízke Tatry
Výstup KST Kroko-Velo Tesáre na vrch Prašivá a Veľká Chochuľa v Nízkych Tatrách ...
In January of 2014 Honnold lured me down to Mexico with the promise of getting to climb Sendero Luminoso, a classic 5.12+ big wall in El Portrero Chico. Taking on a support role, I got to climb Sendero several times, and helped Honnold fix ropes, clean the route so he wouldn't break a hold and die, and generally support him however he needed to realize this outrageous dream. When he was ready to solo the route, Renan Ozturk who was with Camp Four Collective at the time, came down to shoot the solo for a film called Sendero Luminoso which is on The North Face You Tube Channel. It's an incredible film. While I was supporting Honnold, I recorded the whole process with my point and shoot camera. Camp 4 ended up using a couple of the shots in their film but when I recently unearthed the large amount of support footage, I realized there is a certain charm to it. I also did a day of filming on a recreation of the Solo before C4 arrived and while it's not the sexy RED camera footage that made the cut... there is a certain rawness to some of this solo footage. Anyways, I put it all together during covid, and then totally forgot about it! Man I've got to get it together!