History of HowNOT2 on Climbing Majority Podcast

Podobni Video posnetki:
Pico del Rocigalgo (1.449 m.). Techo provincial Toledo
Track wikiloc: http://es.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=45489875...
Bonales (1.053 m.) y Tentudía (1.112 m.). Techos provinciales de Huelva y Badajoz
Track wikiloc: http://es.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=45485687...
El Torreón (1.654 m.). Techo provincial de Cádiz
Track wikiloc: https://www.wikiloc.com/hiking-trails/el-torreon-1-654-m-sierra-d...
El Terril (1.128). Techo provincial de Sevilla
Track wikiloc: https://es.wikiloc.com/rutas-senderismo/pico-el-terril-1-128-m-de...
Pico de la Tejeda (2.069 m.). Techo provincial de Málaga
Track wikiloc: https://es.wikiloc.com/rutas-senderismo/pico-de-la-tejeda-la-maro...
I talk about the beginning and behind the scenes of HowNOT2 on the Climbing Majority Podcast. Most of today’s climbing media is focused on what happens at the edges of the sport involving the most experienced and talented climbers in the world. Your hosts Kyle Broxterman and Max Carrier believe that these stories and experiences do not directly relate to the majority of climbers that now exist. Thanks to gyms, the Olympics, and mainstream media coverage a vast growing group of people are now discovering this magical sport. As a part of this group, they are here to give this new Climbing Majority a voice and a place to share the experiences, stories, and lessons of the non-professional climber.