Hill Walking Essentials DVD trailer

Podobni Video posnetki:
Jakubiná | Otrhance
Vodný žľab Rakytov -2012
Pri Harmanciwww.hoco.sk...
triatlon | Bátovce 2012
SLOVAKMAN 113www.triatlonbb.sk...
zima 2012 | Slovenský raj | Suchá Belá
Veľká Fatra | Ostrá
kratučke videowww.hoco.sk...
Another title in the BMC's series of skills DVDs, Hill Walking Essentials provides skills and techniques for hill walking.

This DVD shows the essential skills and techniques for hill walking, and follows two walkers, Fredelina and Ben, on days out in the British mountains. See how they prepare for their walks, the challenges they face and the decisions they make.