Hiking up Snowdon (Audio Commentary with Nath and Trev)

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Hiking up Snowdonia with Summit or Nothing, an audio commentary by Nath and Trev, basically us talking crap whilst watching old videos.

In this insightful video the lads of Summit or Nothing take a look back at their first ever mountain, Snowdon in Snowdonia Wales, when they ventured up the Rangers Path on a crowded August Bank Holiday. This behind the scenes video will give you a brief look at the pair behind the Summit or Nothing hiking videos. A handful of commentary videos have been recorded exclusively for the Summit or Nothing Patreons, looking back at some of our favourite, and most eventful adventures, so, if you enjoyed this, then please get over to Patreon and have a look at what you can get in return of a ittle support to our channel. I thank you in advance!