Hike from Weisstannen over Lavtinasattel to Pizolhütte (2020/09/10)

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The waterfalls and glacier lakes are fairytale-level beautiful, but with 6 1/2 hours up a total of 1,763 height meters you better make sure you're in top form before attempting this hike. I thought I was fit enough, but it was painful, I had to pep-talk myself up the last 400 height meters to Lavtinasattel and was exhausted for two days after. No regrets though, the scenery was very beautiful. Weisstannen - Batöni Waterfalls - Lavtinasattel - Wildseeluggen - Pizolhütte. Pay attention to lift/gondola schedules, you're on the clock, the lift from Pizolhütte only takes passengers up to 4pm.