Hike from Merlen over Mürtschenfurggel to Habergscchwänd (2021/06/13)

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The Alpine Taxi picked us up from Murg Station and deposited us in Merlen where the Murg Lake Tour starts (CHF 60 a ride, so worth going in groups). Cutting to the right, we walked up a steep path to the breathtakingly beautiful plain of Im Gspon. The flowery plain looks like a fairy tale backdrop. From here it's a gradual climb to Mürtschenfurggel, past some impressively old old stone pines, and, this early in a year, that was rather too abundantly blessed with snow fall in winter, over more lingering snow fields than expected. It's a beautiful valley. From the plain of Ober Mürtschen people who walk the Lake Tour turn left. We turned right and crossed Mürtschenfurggel to descend towards Spanneggsee and Talalpsee. From here it's another 20 minutes to our destination Habergschwänd where you can take the lift down. We were grateful for the lift, because on the whole, it's quite a lengthy tour and our legs were tired! 14 km long, 1,000 height meters up and over 800 down, it takes a little over 5 hours.