Hike from Grimselpass up to Sidelhorn (2019/7/21)

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(from blog: www.suisu-ni-oide.ch) グリムゼル峠へはバスで入り、途中の谷やダム湖の景色が楽しめる。グリムセル峠の曲がりくねった道路はバイクライダーに大人気だ。帰りのバスの発車時間を確認してから、峠から歩き出し、30分後もまだバイクの音が聞こえた。シーデルホルン山が比較的短時間(約2時間)で登れた。頂上には20人ほどが既に着いていた。岩に腰掛け景色を眺めながら、持ってきたランチをゆっくりと食べた。頂上からは360度の素晴らしい展望だ。下りは登ってきた反対側になる。ここは更に大きな石の不規則な積み重なりで、石の間の空間に嵌まり込まないように慎重にトリ―ブテンセー峠に下た。トリ―ブテンセー峠の下に残雪が多く、雪原を滑り降りた(膝に優しい!)。美しい花崗岩の風景を楽しみながら、グリムゼル峠に戻った。中程度の難易度の山登りだから、普通のハイカーなら大丈夫だ。バス待ちの間、レストランで自家製のアイスティーを1リトルも飲んだ。The road up to Grimselpass is a mecca for motorbike riders. You'll see, and for the first half hour of your hike, hear many of them riding up the winding pass road. By taking the bus, we got to enjoy the views of the valley and the Grimsel dam lakes ourselves. There are several restaurants on the pass, good for sustenance before and after the hike, but of course we also packed lunch to eat on the peak of Sidelhorn. It took 2 hours up a more or less continuous incline until we reached the peak. It's a popular hike, so you'll meet plenty of people along the way and share the top with other hikers. Sidelhorn offers a unimpeded view across the surrounding mountains, glaciers and lakes. It's the hiker's luxury spot of lunch breaks. The way down to Triebtenseelicke is not an actual path, it's stones on top of other stones, which take some balancing action and surefootedness to traverse. From Triebtenseelicke, we slid down several snowfields, pretty easy on the knees. 2019 was a year of late and heavy snow falls, with snowfields persisting until the height of summer. It's a medium difficulty hike, ok for the average hiker. All around, the Grimsel area offers amazing views.