Here are 5 reasons why not - Don't fear Black Snakes

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So many snakes are needlessly killed by people that fear them. Here I explain five reasons why one should not fear or kill a black snake. Reason #1 Black snakes (pantherophis alleghaniensis) can be very docile. The snake in the video has never had contact with humans. Black snake will not try to bite you. #2. Black Snakes eat disease carrying mice and rats. Mice and rats are a health risk. If you have black snakes you likely have many mice or rats in your area. #3. If you have black snakes you may not have other snakes. The biological principle: The Competitive Exclusion Principal says that no two species can occupy the same niche at the same time. If you have a black snake in that niche you are unlikely to have another snake. If you eliminate that snake, the niche becomes open for another snake species to occupy it. The next snake might be less desirable. #4 Black Snakes will not come in your house (unless you have mice in your house! Mice enter throught opening in your house, the same opening a black snake could enter in search of those mice. Eliminate the mice and close the opeing. #5 If you leave a black snake alone, it will leave you alone. My biology and nature education channel covers all things nature. I cover many topics across the spectrum. If you are intersted in learning about nature: the plants and animals outside your door, this is the channel for you.