Gouffre de Morey (France)

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Moldova | Dealul Bălănești (430 m)
Easy walk to the highest point of Moldova.Snadná procházka na nejvyšší bod Molda...
Dealul Balanesti , Hill Moldovapart.1 (Piscul lui Miron) 430M
Balanesti Hill Moldova (Piscul lui Miron) Este cel mai înalt punct de pe teritor...
Dealul Balanesti , Hill Moldova part.2
Очень сказочное место, чувство нереальности и волшебства природы.Dealul Balanest...
Rock of Gibraltar (426m) | 9 Gibraltar
Highest point in Gibraltarhttp://100countryhighpoints.com/climbed/gibraltarTwitt...
The Rock of Gibraltar, Gibraltar
The Rock of Gibraltar, also known as the Rock, is a monolithic limestone promont...
We have visited this cave in a very dry season and after three days of heavy rain: a total difference. Today it was raining, so now we've seen what it looks like half-wet.