Gorbeia Parke Naturala con amigos

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Highline leash thimble rings break tested
Caleb Beavers is working on making giant leash thimbles. See what happens when ...
with big boobs and massive balls | How NOT to Trickline
Learn how to trickline after the first 2 minutes of us being silly. If water ba...
do backups work | We CUT Tricklines
IMPORTANT - backup your trickline hardware with big enough stuff! We test no ba...
Climbing PITONS for aid climbing big walls TESTED
We smashed in climbing pitons like you use for hard aid routes in big walling an...
What happens when you over torque climbing bolt
We didn’t tighten and then over tightened our ⅜” 5 piece power bolt with a basic...
Volvemos a los vídeos con un día espectacular de: Montaña, nieve y amigos (y Gara).
Desde Orozko nos subimos a los montes del Parque Natural del Gorbeia, nevado desde la cota +800m.
Mi track lo tengo partido en 2, así que os pondré el de Rubentxu por aquí,...