Goli otok

Podobni Video posnetki:
Trek Tips - Food Preparation - North Pole Expedition
http://wwtrek.com ➤ When you're out on the ice, it is best to have your food por...
Trek Tips - Exploring Museums of Svalbard, Norway - North Pole Expedition Part 2
http://wwtrek.com ➤ Dean spends the day exploring around Svalbard and visiting a...
Trek Tips - North Pole Expedition Part 1 - Welcome to Svalbard, Norway
http://wwtrek.com ➤ After lots of polar expedition training, Dean arrives in Sva...
World Wide Trekking - Winter in Southern Utah National Parks
https://wwtrek.com ➤ Southern Utah is a world-class spectacle. Even in the 'dead...
World Wide Trekking - Trekking Across the Greenland Ice Cap
http://wwtrek.com ➤ On an adventure you have to see to believe, Dean and his cre...
Goli otok
Predstavili so nam Goli (bolj poznan kot Goli otok) je otok v Jadranskem morju blizu hrvaške obale, leži med Rabom in celino v Kvarnerskem zalivu. Goli, na katerem stoji svetilnik, ima površino 4,53 km². Dolžina obalnega pasu je 14,297 km. Najvišji vrh je 227 m visoki vrh Glavina ... https://www.gore-ljudje.si/Objavljalci/author/janez-pikon ...