Goli otok

Podobni Video posnetki:
What is Adventure
What is “Adventure”? In this cheerful short film, Anna explores this question by...
Women in Nature
Outdoor Adventure is so much more than the human experience of the outdoors. The...
Women Don't Bothy
A tongue in cheek look at what happened when 3 female outdoor leaders chose to g...
If I Can
Anoushé Husain is a well accomplished Paraclimber. She balances a chaotic lifest...
Armorican One Armed Bandit
Here is the first video David Linnet made featuring his friend and fellow Climbe...
Goli otok
Predstavili so nam Goli (bolj poznan kot Goli otok) je otok v Jadranskem morju blizu hrvaške obale, leži med Rabom in celino v Kvarnerskem zalivu. Goli, na katerem stoji svetilnik, ima površino 4,53 km². Dolžina obalnega pasu je 14,297 km. Najvišji vrh je 227 m visoki vrh Glavina ... https://www.gore-ljudje.si/Objavljalci/author/janez-pikon ...