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Planina Preval (Bornova pot)
Izhodišče: Ljubelj...
25.9.2020 - Flash floods in SW Slovenia - Hudourniške poplave v Potoku in Renčah
Močno deževje ponoči in zjutraj je na območju spodnjega toka reke Vipave povzroč...
29.8.2020 - Mothership supercell near Gazzo (N Italy) - timelapse
Incredible mothership supercell near Gazzo in the late afternoon hours near a to...
Hero5 Black - Squall line in SW Slovenia (3.8.2020)
Timelapse of an intense squall line that brought severe wind gusts and heavy rai...
Carlino supercell animation (2.8.2019)
Last year's great supercell on north Italian plains animated from a panoramic ph...
Giro integrale lungo la base della Rozes con partenza ed arrivo al Rifugio Dibona. A 360° ai piedi di questa meravigliosa montagna salendo verso il Tridente per scendere alla base della Val Tavenanzes.