Giddy hike from Gumen, Braunwald, to vertigo-inducing Bärentritt (2022/06/22)

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4 hour T3+ (T4?) hike for people with a head for narrow paths along an abyss. Braunwald's Gumen in alpine Spring season (June, early July) is stunning. It's overflowing with colorful flowers, some of them so rare they attract botanists. I've walked the Gumen path three times now, and every single time I encountered study groups of botanists. You'll cross the wonderous flower path twice, once at the start, and once at the end of this round tour. The climb up to Bärentritt is extremely exposed and vertigo-inducing, and made me question the white-red-white markings on the path that indicate a 'normal' mountain trail. Surely, this should be classified T4 as a white-blue-white alpine trail? I was grateful I was climbing up instead of down the Bärentritt. Down would have been too much adrenaline for me. The path at the edge of the endless karst stone fields is sometimes quite close to the edge as well, quite spectacular. All in all, this hike is only for experienced hikers with a head and appreciation for heights.